
26 Jul 2024

Farewell Event for five teams from the Berliner Startup Stipendium

After twelve months of support, coaching and mentoring, it was recently time for us to say goodbye to five startups: Tekkr, Homesome Living, SulPont, Maluma and Fion Energy. Last year, they were all part of the Berliner Startup Stipendium, a support programme for startups at our BHT Startup Hub, funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy & Enterprises and ESF.

Despite many challenges, realignments and team changes, all startups were able to make great progress on their start-up journey – even four of them gained paying customers, which is a great success.

Although both their overall journey and their business models were very different, they all agreed on one thing: the BHT Startup Hub and its programme of coaching and workshops on various topics, as well as the financial support from the Berliner Startup-Stipendium, gave them the security and confidence they needed in the early stages of setting up their businesses.

We are delighted to have been able to accompany them over the past twelve months and wish them every success in their future endeavours – and of course we hope to see them again at the Startup Hub and Coworking Space, where they are always welcome.